What I’m all about.

It’s me: Jess

I’m a California board-certified acupuncturist & herbal medicine practitioner with a background in integrative physiology. I love to treat a lot of different things but my passion is helping women regulate their menstrual cycles, ease stress, boost fertility, & age gracefully.

Hi & welcome ❤︎

Why I do what I do

Playing a part in helping people thrive the they want in life just feels like something I really *gotta* spend most of my life dedicated to. It’s my purpose and nothing makes me happier than watching it all come to fruition for you guys.

I’m a little different cos

As much as I love all things woo-woo, I really give a sh*t about the science behind what I do, too. My background is in integrative physiology and I’m endlessly fascinated by the human body. I have equal love for energy work and biological function.

I really, really believe in

The power of the body will forever floor me ⏤ and so far, it doesn’t fail to have the same effect on my clients when we do the work, too. It’s my intention to educate you and work together as we explore just what it’s capable of, tangibly.


My Cred

Learning? Can’t get enough of it. If it interests you, here’s my journey.

  • ✦ → Physiologist Internship Program — 2015

    ✦ → BA Integrative Physiology at University of CO at Boulder: 2011 - ‘16

    ✦ → Emperor’s College Acupuncture Clinical Internship: 900 Hours

    ✦ → Amrit Singh’s Cosmetic Acupuncture Training: 2019
    ✦ → Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Emperor’s College: 2016 - ‘21

    ✦ → Endometriosis & Autoimmune Diseases and the Role of Acupuncture for Treatment: 2022

    ✦ → Neuropuncture: Treating Lumbar Spine and Knee Conditions: 2022

    ✦ → AcuRegen Advanced Cosmetic Acupuncture Academy: 2023

    ✦ → Snow Lotus Acupoint Aromatherapy: Treatment of Anxiety & Depression: 2023

    ✦ → Holistic Face Sculpting Massage Training with Kayla Renner: 2024

  • ✦ → Eight Extraordinary Vessels in the Treatment of Reproductive Medicine: 2023

    ✦ → Vibrational Acupuncture: Integrating Tuning Forks with Needles 2023

    ✦ → Jane Lyttleton’s Treatment of Infertility Course 2023

Kind Words ❤︎

 Feel aligned?